Package-level declarations


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class DelegatingDomainEventRecord(val actual: ObjectNode) : DomainEventRecord
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class DelegatingEventStreamRecord(val actual: ObjectNode) : EventStreamRecord
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object DomainEventJsonDeserializer : StdDeserializer<DomainEvent<*>>
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class FlatEventStreamRecord(val id: String, rawAggregateId: AggregateId, val header: ObjectNode, val version: Int, val commandId: String, val requestId: String, val body: JsonNode, val createTime: Long) : EventStreamRecord
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data class JsonDomainEvent(val id: String, val header: Header, val bodyType: String, val body: JsonNode, val aggregateId: AggregateId, val version: Int, val sequence: Int, val revision: String, val commandId: String, val name: String, val isLast: Boolean = true, val createTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()) : DomainEvent<JsonNode> , NamedAggregate
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object StateEventJsonDeserializer : StdDeserializer<StateEvent<*>>
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data class StateJsonRecord(val actual: ObjectNode) : StateRecord
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class StreamDomainEventRecord(val actual: ObjectNode, streamedAggregateId: AggregateId, streamedVersion: Int, streamedHeader: Header, streamedCommandId: String, val sequence: Int, val isLast: Boolean, streamedCreateTime: Long) : DomainEventRecord


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