Package-level declarations
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Command Bus .
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interface CommandExchange<SOURCE : CommandExchange<SOURCE, C>, C : Any> : MessageExchange<SOURCE, CommandMessage<C>>
Command Exchange .
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Command Gateway .
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object CommandOperator
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data class CommandResult(val stage: CommandStage, val aggregateId: String, val contextName: String, val processorName: String, val tenantId: String, val requestId: String, val commandId: String, val errorCode: String = ErrorCodes.SUCCEEDED, val errorMsg: String = ErrorCodes.SUCCEEDED_MESSAGE, val bindingErrors: List<BindingError> = emptyList(), val result: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : CommandId, TenantId, RequestId, ErrorInfo, ProcessorInfo, CommandResultCapable
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interface CommandResultCapable
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class CommandResultException(val commandResult: CommandResult, cause: Throwable? = null) : WowException
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class CommandValidationException(val command: Any, errorMsg: String = "Command validation failed.", cause: Throwable? = null, val bindingErrors: List<BindingError> = emptyList()) : WowException, ErrorInfo
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class DefaultCommandGateway(commandWaitEndpoint: CommandWaitEndpoint, commandBus: CommandBus, validator: Validator, idempotencyCheckerProvider: AggregateIdempotencyCheckerProvider, waitStrategyRegistrar: WaitStrategyRegistrar) : CommandGateway, CommandBus
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interface DistributedCommandBus : CommandBus, DistributedMessageBus<CommandMessage<*>, ServerCommandExchange<*>>
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class DuplicateRequestIdException(val aggregateId: AggregateId, val requestId: String, errorMsg: String = "Duplicate request ID[", cause: Throwable? = null) : WowException, NamedAggregate
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class InMemoryCommandBus(val sinkSupplier: (NamedAggregate) -> Sinks.Many<CommandMessage<*>> = {
}) : InMemoryMessageBus<CommandMessage<*>, ServerCommandExchange<*>> , LocalCommandBus
InMemoryCommandBus .
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interface LocalCommandBus : CommandBus, LocalMessageBus<CommandMessage<*>, ServerCommandExchange<*>>
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class LocalFirstCommandBus(val distributedBus: DistributedCommandBus, val localBus: LocalCommandBus = InMemoryCommandBus()) : CommandBus, LocalFirstMessageBus<CommandMessage<*>, ServerCommandExchange<*>>
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class SimpleClientCommandExchange<C : Any>(val message: CommandMessage<C>, val waitStrategy: WaitStrategy, val attributes: MutableMap<String, Any> = ConcurrentHashMap()) : ClientCommandExchange<C>
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data class SimpleCommandMessage<C : Any>(val id: String = GlobalIdGenerator.generateAsString(), val header: Header = DefaultHeader.empty(), val body: C, val aggregateId: AggregateId, val requestId: String = id, val aggregateVersion: Int? = null, val name: String = body.javaClass.toName(), val isCreate: Boolean = false, val allowCreate: Boolean = false, val isVoid: Boolean = false, val createTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()) : CommandMessage<C> , NamedAggregate
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class SimpleServerCommandExchange<C : Any>(val message: CommandMessage<C>, val attributes: MutableMap<String, Any> = ConcurrentHashMap()) : ServerCommandExchange<C>
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fun <C : Any> C.toCommandMessage(id: String = GlobalIdGenerator.generateAsString(), requestId: String? = null, aggregateId: String? = null, tenantId: String? = null, aggregateVersion: Int? = null, namedAggregate: NamedAggregate? = null, header: Header = DefaultHeader.empty(), createTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), upstream: DomainEvent<*>? = null): CommandMessage<C>
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fun Throwable.toResult(commandMessage: CommandMessage<*>, contextName: String = commandMessage.contextName, processorName: String, stage: CommandStage = CommandStage.SENT, result: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()): CommandResult