data class CommandResult(val stage: CommandStage, val aggregateId: String, val contextName: String, val processorName: String, val tenantId: String, val requestId: String, val commandId: String, val errorCode: String = ErrorCodes.SUCCEEDED, val errorMsg: String = ErrorCodes.SUCCEEDED_MESSAGE, val bindingErrors: List<BindingError> = emptyList(), val result: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : CommandId, TenantId, RequestId, ErrorInfo, ProcessorInfo, CommandResultCapable
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constructor(stage: CommandStage, aggregateId: String, contextName: String, processorName: String, tenantId: String, requestId: String, commandId: String, errorCode: String = ErrorCodes.SUCCEEDED, errorMsg: String = ErrorCodes.SUCCEEDED_MESSAGE, bindingErrors: List<BindingError> = emptyList(), result: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())
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fun NamedBoundedContext.getContextAlias(boundedContext: BoundedContext? = MetadataSearcher.metadata.contexts[contextName]): String
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